What is OCD?

There are many misunderstandings of what OCD is (and is not), which makes actually identifying OCD difficult. Many, if not all of us, have heard someone say “I’m a little OCD”,  but what does that really mean? This article will discuss obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), breaking down intrusive thoughts, obsessions, and compulsions.

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Elizabeth Garis
IEPs vs. 504 Plan: What’s the Difference?

If your child has academic, emotional, or behavioral challenges they may benefit from supports in the classroom. There are two options for support for your child in the classroom: an individualized education program (IEP) or accommodations through a 504 plan. This article includes a discussion of what an IEP and 504 plan are, how they’re different, and considerations for what maybe best for your child.

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Elizabeth Garis
Teaching your Child to STOP

Many people have moments where they feel like their emotions are in the driver’s seat, whether they’re yelling in rage or acting impulsively when excited. For children and teens, moments where emotions are in control may be dangerous or lead to conflict with others. In this article, we provide you with acronym STOP to help your child pause and regain control of themselves in the moment.

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Elizabeth Garis
Building Confidence: Thoughtful Challenges for Children and Teens with Social Anxiety

Does your child struggle going to lunch or approaching groups of people, fearful of how they will be received? Are presentations always a struggle because your child is convinced they will do something to embarrass themselves? Many children experience thoughts like these, which can lead to avoidance of these and other social situations. This article will tell you how to support your child in approaching these situations, helping them face their fear and reengage with school and peers.

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Elizabeth Garis
Catching School Refusal Early: Common Signs to a Bigger Problem

Is getting your child to school every day a struggle? Is your child consistently calling from school to go home early? Are they having outbursts that have them removed from class? These behaviors, and more, may be the beginning signs of a larger problem: school refusal.  Recognizing the signs early on is crucial in providing timely support and intervention to ensure a child's healthy school experience. In this guide, we'll explore key indicators and strategies to identify school refusal behaviors before they escalate into more severe issues.

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Elizabeth Garis
How to Talk to Your Child about Seeing a Therapist

Are you a parent who is struggling to decide whether or not your child should see a therapist? If so, you are certainly not alone. As parents, we want our children to be happy and healthy. Seeking professional help for mental health issues can feel like an intimidating step, but talking to your child about the possibility of seeing a therapist doesn't have to be as scary as it seems.

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ParentsAimee Kotrba